
Sustainable Food Systems Project (SUSTFARM+)

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Programme Summary

The Sustainable Food Systems Project (SUSTFARM+) is a comprehensive initiative with the main objective of improving food and nutrition security in Kakamega, Siaya, and Bungoma counties in Kenya. The project recognizes the critical role of sustainable food systems in ensuring long-term access to safe, nutritious, and culturally appropriate food for all community members.

The project focuses on sustainable strengthening of the food system in these counties, with a holistic approach that encompasses production, processing, distribution, and consumption. By addressing each stage of the food system, SUSTFARM+ aims to enhance its resilience, efficiency, and inclusiveness, ultimately leading to improved food and nutrition security.

One of the key components of the project is promoting sustainable agricultural practices. This involves supporting farmers in adopting climate-smart agriculture techniques, such as agroecology, conservation agriculture, and organic farming. By promoting sustainable farming methods, the project aims to improve soil health, enhance water conservation, and reduce the use of chemical inputs, thereby ensuring the long-term sustainability of agricultural production.


To strengthen the capacity of partners and engage in policy advocacy efforts, in order to create an enabling environment for sustainable food systems at both the national and county levels.
This objective aims to empower 6,330 farmers and agro-dealers to adopt sustainable farming methods, implement sustainable practices in the processing and marketing of nutritious agricultural products, and achieve improved self-sufficiency and balanced nutrition for themselves and their families through their own production. Other objectives include:

  • Improve food and nutrition security: The project aims to enhance food and nutrition security in Kakamega, Siaya, and Bungoma counties.
  • Strengthen the food system: SUSTFARM+ aims to strengthen the entire food system, from production to consumption.
  • Promote sustainable agriculture: The project focuses on promoting sustainable agricultural practices among farmers. This includes the adoption of climate-smart agriculture techniques, such as agroecology, conservation agriculture, and organic farming.
  • Enhance market linkages and income generation: SUSTFARM+ aims to improve market linkages for smallholder farmers
  • Promote nutrition-sensitive agriculture and diverse diets: The project places a strong emphasis on promoting nutrition-sensitive agriculture
  • Foster community participation and empowerment.

Key Components/Activities

  • Policy, system actors, behavior and drivers assessment of food system at county and national level
  • Capacity building of rightsholders and duty bearers at county and national levels
  • Support community dialogues with right holders at county levels (information exchanges)
  • Support multi-stakeholder dialogue and diverse coalitions partnerships on food systems
  • Disseminate food system analysis findings & project learnings
  • Capacity Building of Partners

Target Counties

  • Kakamega
  • Bungoma 
  • Siaya



KENAFF Programmes Manager

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