September 22, 2022. Kenya National Farmers’ Federation (KENAFF) and the delegation from Andreas Hermes Akademie (AHA) paid a courtesy call to Hon. Rev. Isaac Mutuma, the deputy governor of Meru County, at the Meru County Government Office.
The deputy governor and his delegation, Mr. Mark Munene, Chief Officer Agriculture livestock and fisheries, and Mr. Harrison Gatobu Gitongo, Chief of Staff, thanked KENAFF for paying the County Government a courtesy call.

The deputy governor, who represented the governor, further appreciated the federation’s outstanding work with farmers. He acknowledged that agriculture is the backbone of the economy in the county and emphasized the need to prioritize the sector’s development in the county.
While speaking during the visit, the KENAFF CEO, Dr. Daniel M’Mailutha, introduced KENAFF to the new County Government. He explained the services KENAFF offers farmers and the initiatives KENAFF intends to introduce to Meru County through KENAFF Farm Forestry & Afforestation Programme (2021 – 2030, such as land reclamation, tree planting, and environmental conservation, among others.

KENAFF Farm Forestry & Afforestation Programme is a 10-year (2021 – 2030) climate action initiative KENAFF is undertaking to:
- Promote tree value chains among farmers through capacity building on-farm forestry and tree value chain development;
- Support tree nursery establishment and development by the KENAFF Youth Council as well as the KENAFF Women Council;
- Promote fodder bulking as an adaptation mechanism for livestock-based livelihoods in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs);
- Enhance protection and reclamation of the commons; Establish and strengthen experiential learning and modeling on farm forestry and afforestation;
- Enhance business case development for trade-in tree and tree products;
- Develop and implement payment of ecosystem services (PES) initiatives for the social, economic, and environmental benefits of carbon sequestration; and the practice of related services, including apiculture, aquaculture, agrotourism, and biogas technologies, and;
- Mobilize and organize farmers into farm forest associations to leverage revenue potential in carbon markets.
The CEO further expressed KENAFF’s willingness to work with the County Government to improve farmers’ livelihoods. He asked the County Government to consider introducing Governor’s Day with farmers. Governor’s Day with farmers is a platform for farmers to directly interact with policy makers to share their concerns, needs and interests.