Smallholder farmers are the backbone of agriculture and food security in Kenya, as they make up about 70% to 80% of the farming community (Economic Survey, 2016). They also contribute significantly to feeding the nation, creating jobs, and catalyzing the growth of rural businesses, most especially in the sector of micro and small enterprises.
In Kenya, the demand for food continues to thrive. As a result, the smallholder farmers are constantly facing too much pressure to produce more to secure the supply of agricultural produce. Their contribution towards the growth of the economy is consequential. Yet, they are not often considered prominent dialogue partners for policy issues and development, especially at the county and national levels.
In 2010 after the promulgation of the new constitution, the agriculture function was devolved to the counties. This sought to encourage the participation of all county agri- sector players, including smallholder farmers, in policy development. However, this is yet to be realized due to weak agriculture-focused sub-committees in the County Assembly.
Consequently, farm issues have taken a backseat when it comes to many of the county’s budgetary and policy decisions, as farmer participation in the policy-making process is curtailed.
Advocacy, as a tool, therefore, aims at supporting successful agricultural policy development. Advocacy is a concept that farmer groups or organizations can use in solving farmers’ participation. A less obvious but equally important approach is to advocate for farmers’ participation in policy development and implementation to create an environment that supports their success.
KENAFF, as the apex umbrella farmers’ organization in Kenya, comes in strongly to represent, articulate, protect and promote the interests and issues of smallholder farmers through targeted lobby and advocacy, policy action, farmer empowerment and capacity building.
KENAFF, as the apex umbrella farmers’ organization in Kenya, comes in strongly to represent, articulate, protect and promote the interests and issues of smallholder farmers through targeted lobby and advocacy, policy action, farmer empowerment and capacity building.
The Federation has and will continue to articulate the voice of smallholder farmers at all levels of government, ensuring that their thoughts are incorporated into relevant government policies as well as lobbying for commensurate financial allocations to smallholder farmers in the counties.
KENAFF exists to mobilize and organize farmers to speak in one voice where their interests are concerned. To fulfill this mandate, KENAFF shall leverage one of her Strategic plans, 2022-2026 pillars: enhanced lobby, advocacy and policy action to influence government policy framework, planning, and investments to be responsive and supportive to the needs of farmers while also being market adaptive and with a primary focus on improved incomes and livelihoods for all the farmers of Kenya.
On the whole, agriculture is such a significant and far-reaching sector in developing our economy. Thus KENAFF is willing to work with all smallholder farmers to champion policies that will allow them to thrive.