The Farmers' Voice

KENAFF at the Global Forum for food and agriculture in Berlin, germany

KENAFF CEO at the Global Forum For Food and Agriculture
“The GFFA 2023 addressed the issue of: Food Systems Transformation: A Worldwide Response to Multiple Crises.”

Berlin, Germany – The 2023 Global Forum for Food and Agriculture took place in Berlin, Germany from 18 – 21 January, 2023, bringing together leading experts and stakeholders in the field of food and agriculture to discuss pressing issues and challenges facing the sector today.

One of the organizations in attendance was Kenya National Farmers’ Federation (KENAFF), a non-political, not-for profit and democratic membership-based organization, whose core mandate is to represent, articulate, promote and protect the interest of Kenyan farmers through lobby, policy action and farmer empowerment. KENAFF had the opportunity to present her work and share her mission with a global audience.

The conference featured a number of keynote speeches, expert panels, and breakout sessions on a wide range of topics, including the issue of: “Food System Transformation: A Worldwide Response to Multiple Crises.”

KENAFF’s representation at the conference was well received and provided valuable insights and networking opportunities that will help to further her mission in promoting sustainable agriculture in Kenya.

The 2023 Global Forum for Food and Agriculture provided a valuable platform for sharing knowledge, ideas and best practices in the field of food and agriculture. It brought attention to the importance of sustainable food systems, as well as the work of organizations like KENAFF in addressing these issues on a global scale.

KENAFF CEO at the 2023 GFFA

KENAFF CEO (Center), Dr. Daniel M. M’Mailutha, discussing the role of farmer organizations in transforming food systems with representatives from GIZ and the European Union (EU) at the GFFA in Berlin, 2023, in the context of IGW. 

KENAFF CEO in an expert panel discussion on emergency solution or silver bullet? National pathways for food systems transformation

KENAFF CEO, Dr. Daniel M. M’Mailutha, taking part in an expert panel on Emergency solution or silver bullet? National pathways for food systems transformation at the GFFA in Berlin, 2023.

KENAFF CEO at the Global Forum For Food and Agriculture

KENAFF CEO, Dr. Daniel M. M’Mailutha, presenting a view on soil health and what KENAFF is doing to promote soil health (building members’ capacities on conservation agriculture, transitioning from monoculture to diversification, promoting sustainable farming systems, etc). 

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